Monika Schnitzer is co-chair of Franco-German Council of Economic Experts

In her role as chair of the GCEE, Monika Schnitzer has been appointed co-chair of the Franco-German Council of Economic Experts in January 2023. For the French part, Camille Landais, chair of the Conseil d'Analyse Economique, will co-chair.

The Franco-German Council of Economic Experts was first appointed in 2019 based on  Article 20 of the Treaty of Aachen between Germany and France and is an advisory board of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK). It provides analyses and assessments on economic policy issues that are in the common interest of France and Germany to enable improved coordination of economic policy decisions. Working for the Council is a personal honorary office.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Monika Schnitzer