
You will find press releases and press photos of the German Council of Economic Experts on this page. For your enquiries and to register for the press distribution list, please send an e-mail to:

Press Release

Germany has to invest in the future to overcome its sluggish economic growth

– The energy crisis and lower real incomes are still weighing on the short-term economic outlook. In the medium term the declining volume of work, the outdated capital stock and the lack of innovative companies weigh on economic growth in Germany.

Press Release

Strengthening potential output through investment and innovation

– Germany's medium-term growth prospects are at a historic low. Potential output will only grow by an average of 0.4 percent per year until 2028 if current dynamics continue

Press Release

The potential of capital markets is underutilised

– Developed and liquid capital markets are essential for long-term growth. They help allocate capital to its most productive uses. Market-based financing fosters investment in new technologies and is critical for the success of the transformation.

Press Release

Reforms in the German Tax Transfer System – lower poverty risk through stronger employment incentives

– Various reform options in the German tax-transfer system can reduce the poverty risk and strengthen employment incentives without putting a strain on public budgets.

Press Release

A pension reform is necessary: Several measures need to be combined

– Farsighted reforms of the statutory pension scheme (GRV) are necessary. No single reform option is sufficient to solve the financing problems of the GRV. By bundling several measures, their strengths can be combined and social hardship avoided.

Press Release

Germany needs a research data infrastructure for the 21st century

– The German research data infrastructure lags behind that of its international peers. Every improvement is an investment in better-functioning, more targeted and more cost-effective policy decisions.

Press Release

How should Europe respond to the Inflation Reduction Act?

– In a policy brief, the German Council of Economic Experts discusses the implications of the U.S. Inflation Reduction Act for Europe and appropriate responses by the EU and its member states.

Press Release

Updated Economic Outlook: A Mild Winter does not Make a Spring

– The short-term outlook for the German economy has improved slightly compared to autumn 2022, but the situation remains strained. High inflation continues to inhibit the economy this year.

Press Release

Appointment of Martin Werding until February 2028

– Martin Werding will start his first full term as a member of the German Council of Economic Experts from 1 March 2023.

Further information