Economic Growth


According to the act to promote economic stability and growth, steady and adequate economic growth is one of the key policy objectives. For this reason, the German Council of Economic Experts analyses the growth outlook of the German economy for the next five years and beyond in addition to the current economic situation in each annual report. The German Council of Economic Experts uses dynamic models to estimate future production capacities. The growth projection not only provides information on the level of economic growth, but also on the contribution of different production factors and thus helps in particular to identify structurally adverse trends such as scarce production factors or unfavourable productivity trends.

Recent publications

Working Paper

Demographic Aging and Long-Run Economic Growth in Germany

Working Paper 02/2024 by Christian Ochsner, Lars Other, Esther Thiel and Christopher Zuber (Download)


Strengthening potential growth through capital formation

National productivity report 2023 (Download; published in the Annual Report 2023/24, Chapter 2)


Productivity growth through innovation: Advancing digitalisation

National Productivity Report 2020 (Download; published in the Annual Report 2020/21, Chapter 5)


Time series download

We offer here relevant time series including economic forecasts.

Potential growth (XLSX, in German)Additional time series